Engine Mapping
What we do
At Chipwizards we specialise in mapping older Porsche and BMW E30 factory-fitted ECUs (DMEs) for both competition use and for improved road driving quality and performance.
If you want any other type of car or ECU mapping then we may still be willing/able to do it; please contact us if you’ve got something other than a Porsche or BMW E30 with the original ECU still fitted. The ‘contact us’ is for booking enquiries only though; it isn’t there for build advice – for build questions, ask your engine builder.
What we don’t do
We no longer map any diesel engines.
We don’t map ‘Megasquirt’ or any of its derivatives.
We no longer map Specialist Components/SCS Delta ECUs

If you are considering using our services, please read the ‘FAQ‘ and ‘Before you book‘ pages, as they contain important information that could save you time and money.